The 2010 meeting was hosted jointly with the International Group of Research Reactors in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
TRTR is actively seeking archives from old meetings. If you have any material available please let us know!
- Welcome
- 2010 Status Report DOE Research Reactor Infrastructure Program
- A Brief History of the NRU Reactor Vessel Leak and Repair
- A Liquid Deuterium Cold Source at NIST?
- Advanced Test Reactor NSUF Program Update
- Annular Core Research Reactor Improved Pulse Repeatability/ Prediction
- Annular Core Research Reactor Pneumatic Transfer System Design
- Applying Modern Reliability Practices to Aging Research Reactors
- Automated Data Acquisition for Control Rod Scram Response Testing
- Cabri – Zircaloy Pressure Vessel
- Calculation of Inventories, Power Distributions and Neutronic Parameters for the NBSR using MCNPX
- CARMEN- An Experimental Configuration in the MINERVE Critical Facility for the Qualification of Neutron Cross Sections in an Epithermal Spectrum
- Concluding Remarks
- Conducting a State Systems of Accounting for and Control (SSAC) of Nuclear Materials Training Program at the University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR)
- Configuration Control and Implementation of Safety Principles on the Research Side of the HFIR Site Operations
- Development & Status of the Big‐12 Engineering Consortium
- Diagnosing and Troubleshooting Successive Fission Chamber Failures
- Digital Systems at the HFIR
- Document Control and Practical Application at NCNR
- Educational Activities at the Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory
- ES-4100 Container Program
- EVITA nuclear measurement program
- Flowing Coolant Through the NIST Reactor Thermal Shield Using Vacuum Instead of Positive Pressure
- Flux Profiling Using a Neutron Absorbing Cocktail
- Focusing on Safety Culture and Human Performance at HFIR
- Future of French Design and Construction Code for Research Reactors
- HFIR Nuclear Safety Culture Experience
- High-Enriched Uranium (HEU) to Low-Enriched Uranium (LEU) Conversion Status
- Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) Training Course
- Implementation of Molybdenum Production in Polish Research Reactor MARIA
- Initial Measurements at the CG1 Instrument Development Station at the High Flux Isotope Reactor
- Irradiation Test Train Construction – Test Train Assembly Facility (TTAF)
- Jules Horowitz I&C Overview
- KSU Fuel Upgrade
- License Training Program at Reed College
- LIFE @ PROTEUS Experimental Program
- Modernization of MIT Research Reactor Primary and Secondary Process Systems
- Modifications to the NBSR Fuel Element Transfer Head
- Multi-physics Modeling to Support HFIR LEU Fuel Conversion
- NBSR Spent Fuel Depletion and Decay Heat Determination using SCALE
- Neutron Commissioning in the CABRI Water Loop Facility
- Neutronic Simulation of NRAD Reactor LEU Conversion Start-Up Tests
- Non-Destructive Examination Benches and Analysis Laboratories in support to the Experimental Irradiation Process in the Future Jules Horowitz MTR
- NRAD HEU to LEU Conversion
- NRC RTR Oversight Program
- NRC’s Safety Culture Initiative
- OPAL Cold Neutron Source Maintenance, Reliability and Operational Status
- OPAL Engineering Early Modifications Relating to AOC- Loss of Offsite Power (LOOP)
- OPAL Reflector Vessel & Leak Mitigation
- ORNL Nuclear Hot Cell Complex
- Overcoming Challenges in the ZED-2 Reactor Safety Analysis
- Parametric Study of Heat Transfer Inside a Calorimeter Dedicated to Gamma Heating Measurements in MTR
- Performance Indicators for Research Reactors
- Procedure for Re-conditioning Beam Port, BT-0 and Installation of Cold Source
- PROTEUS Zero-power Reactor Refurbishment
- Rapid Trace Uranium Measurement by Neutron Activation Analysis
- Reactivity Insertions for the Borax Accident in ORPHEE Reactor
- Reactor Based Study of Alpha Radiolysis of Extraction Solvents
- Recent Repairs and Upgrades at the Oregon State University TRIGA Reactor
- Reference (Axially Graded) Low Enriched Uranium Fuel Design for the HFIR
- Refurbishment and Upgrade of ILL Reactor and Instrument Suite
- Replacing, Refurbishing Irradiated Fuel Rods X-ray Equipment
- Research and Test Reactor Licensing Actions and Lessons Learned
- Research and Test Reactor Regulatory Guide Update Status
- Research Reactors in Argentina
- Rulemaking
- Safety and reliability improvements in OSIRIS
- Sandia National Laboratories Technical Area V Capabilities and Accomplishments
- Sandia Pulsed Reactor Facility Seven Percent Critical Experiment (7uPCX)
- Shared Practices for an Effective Regulatory Process
- Spent Fuel Pool Boral Coupon Testing at the University of Texas at Austin
- Status of Cold Neutron Research Facility Installation In HANARO
- Summary of the University of Missouri Research Reactor HEU to LEU Fuel Conversion Feasibility Study
- The Discovery of Element 117
- The DOE Research Reactor Infrastructure Program
- The IAEA Activities in Support of Enhanced Utilization and Applications of RRs
- The Jules Horowitz Reactor MOLY system
- The Jules Horowitz Reactor- a New High Performances European MTR Open to International Community
- The MADISON Experimental Hosting System in the Future Jules Horowitz Reactor
- The Reliability and Risk Management Program at the High Flux Isotope Reactor
- The Ultra‐Cold Neutron Laboratory at the FRM‐II
- Thermal Assessment of the CALIPSO Irradiation Device for the Jules Horowitz Reactor
- Towards the Renewal of the European Area of Experimental Research Reactors The MYRRHA Project
- TRIGA Type U-ZrH Cladding Steady State Mechanical Limitations
- TRIPwire and TRIPwire Community Gateway
- Underwater Video Imaging – The Inexpensive to the Elegant
- Update on the Domestic Production of Molybdenum-99
- Update on the GTRI (RERTR) Advanced Fuel Development Program
- Upgrade of the USGS TRIGA Control Console