Two email listservers are available for use by the TRTR community, for TRTR members in the US, and for the international research reactor community in collaboration with the International Group on Research Reactors.
To subscribe to a listserv:
- Send an email to, which is the Listserv server. The email must be sent from the address at which you want to receive future emails.
- In the body of the email, include the following command:
SUB listname Full Name
- Replace “listname” with the exact name of the Listserv list to which you’re subscribing, either or
- Replace “Full Name” with your first and last name, separated by a space.
- Replace “listname” with the exact name of the Listserv list to which you’re subscribing, either or
- Once you are subscribed, you will receive a message indicating that you are subscribed. You will also receive basic instructions about the list functions.
For additional questions about the listserv, see
If you have questions, please use the contact form.